Power in the preparation... Excellence in the journey... Success for a lifetime...
Welcome to the Dysart Unified School District online payment portal!
Schools will assign fees to students for athletics (PTP), lost library/text books, extracurricular activities, field trips, device fees, etc. Any questions regarding fees on a student's account should be addressed with the appropriate school's Administrative Secretary or Bookstore Manager.
Parents/Guardians can make general Tax Credit contributions and Gifts & Donations using their parent/guardian log-in.
Tax credit contributions can also be made without creating an account Click here to make tax credit donations
How To Login-
1st Time Parent Users, use the following to access the Dysart USD online payment portal:
User Name: Your Parent Portal username
Password: Click here to set your password
Returning Parent Users, use the following to access the Dysart USD online payment portal:
User Name: Your Parent Portal username
Password: Password created during 1st time parent user visit
Forget? Request reset here
If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please Sign-up for Parent Portal
Allow 24 hours after your Parent Portal account has been created for the systems to sync before you log in to this site.
Community Members/Tax Credits
For non-parent/guardian/student Tax Credit contributions, Gifts & Donations or other payments please Create your account
Accepted card types: